Student-run nonprofit provides hundreds of excess medical supplies to Ann Arbor hospitals
"Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic getting enough personal protection equipment and medical supplies to community health organizations has remained a challenge, leading one University of Michigan student group to step in and help gather and deliver supplies to clinics and health systems in the area."- Michigan News

“Though our efforts are usually more international facing, we felt that COVID-19 illuminated stark health inequities that are still present in our own country,” Veldhuis said. “That is why we have already begun donating essential PPE to local, front-line organizations and stand ready to do so in the months ahead.”- Engaged Michigan

"Originally, I wanted to join a student organization because I felt it was a simple way to make a difference. I never imagined the kind of work we would be doing. Our organization may soon bring the rate of medical waste in the entire city of Lansing close to zero, while sending critical supplies to places other than a landfill."-MSU Today

"I set out to redefine the possibility of student impact,” says Rathi. “I wanted to see what was possible– could a group of five 20-year-old students send half a million dollars in medical supplies overseas?"

Former Gubernatorial Candidate, Public Health Analyst address global health issues in annual symposium
"While the United States healthcare system proliferates the production of carbon emission and adds to already copious amounts of waste in global landfills, there’s a clear need— there are people, there are children, abroad[....]"
-The Michigan Daily

Op-Ed: Medical supply reallocation, saving lives and the environment
"Despite the United States spending over $10,000 per person on health care annually, many countries spend fewer than $10 per person each year. What does this mean?"
-The Michigan Daily

"Ben Rathi went on a trip to Nepal in 2013 as a University of Michigan student. He visited a major hospital that lacked even the most basic medical supplies, and when he returned to the United States, he saw those same supplies [...]"
- The Marquette Wire